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Friday, 31 March 2023

Digitally Balanced Numbers

I've recently made a post about Balanced Numbers on March 24th 2023. Shortly, I'll turn 27027 days old and 27027 is a balanced number because to the left and right of the zero, the sum of the digits is the same:27027=2+7=92702+7=927 is a balanced numberOn the other hand, a digitally balanced number in base b is a number in which all the digits 0,1,2,,(b1) occur an equal number of times. The number associated with my diurnal age today is 27025 and this number is digitally balanced in base 6, being equal to 325041.2702510=3250416 is digitally balanced in base 6This property qualifies it for membership in OEIS A049357:


Digitally balanced numbers in base 6: equal numbers of 0's, 1's, ..., 5's.    

The smallest such number will be 1023456=834510 and the largest, with each digit occurring once, is 5432106=4479010. There are 600 digitally balanced numbers in this range so I won't list them all here but I'll provide a permalink to generate these numbers using SageMathCell. Numbers Aplenty provides a list of the first 600 digitally balanced numbers in any base. The same source illustrates the smallest 3 × 3 magic square made of consecutive balanced numbers in any base and which corresponds to which corresponds to the nine consecutive numbers 14924, 14917, 14922, 14919, 14921, 14923, 14920, 14925, and 14918. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: source

I must confess to having given digitally balanced numbers scant attention over the years, even though Numbers Aplenty regularly lists their occurrence. Numbers can be digitally balanced in more than one base. Below is a list of numbers that are digitally balanced in bases 2 and 4 (permalink):

Base 2    Base 10     Base 4

10000111 --> 135 --> 2013
10001101 --> 141 --> 2031
10010011 --> 147 --> 2103
10011100 --> 156 --> 2130
10110001 --> 177 --> 2301
10110100 --> 180 --> 2310
11000110 --> 198 --> 3012
11001001 --> 201 --> 3021
11010010 --> 210 --> 3102
11011000 --> 216 --> 3120
11100001 --> 225 --> 3201
11100100 --> 228 --> 3210

The algorithm listed earlier is easily  modified to accommodate other bases. For example, in base 7, the smallest number will be
10234567=12371710 and the largest, with each digit occurring once, will be 65432107=80066710. There are 4320 numbers in the range and they form part of OEIS A049358 (permalink):


Digitally balanced numbers in base 7: equal numbers of 0's, 1's, ..., 6's.         

There is an overlap between digitally balanced numbers and pandigital numbers. When the digits in a digitally balanced number occur only once, then it is a pandigital number because its digits span all the possible digits in the number base. So 2702510=3250416 is pandigital in base 6 as well as being digitally balanced in that base.

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Anti-Perfect Numbers

The topic of anti-perfect numbers has everything to do with anti-divisors with parallels to perfect numbers and divisors. Let's recall that a perfect number is a number whose sum of proper divisors equals the number. The first perfect number is 6 and it is perfect because its proper divisors of 1, 2 and 3 add to 6. Similarly, an anti-perfect number is a number whose sum of anti-divisors equals the number. The first anti-perfect number is 5 because its anti-divisors of 2 and 3 add to 5.

Now I've written about anti-divisors before in two posts, one titled Anti-divisors on February 26th 2015 and another titled More on Anti-divisors on February 28th 2021. Today, my diurnal age is 27024 and this number has anti-divisors of 7, 32, 49, 96, 1103, 7721 and 18016. The sum of these anti-divisors is 27024 and so 27024 is an anti-perfect number. Like the perfect numbers, these anti-perfect numbers are few and far between. They constitute OEIS A073930:


Numbers that are equal to the sum of their anti-divisors.    

Up to one million, the members of this sequence are 5, 8, 41, 56, 946, 5186, 6874, 8104, 17386, 27024, 84026, 167786, 2667584, 4921776. Thus 27024 is the last anti-perfect number that I'll encounter in my lifetime, hence my celebration of it. The perfect numbers are even sparcer: 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, ... and so I've long ago also reached the last perfect number that I'll encounter in my lifetime.

Let's display the result again:7+32+49+96+1103+7721+18016anti-divisors of 27024=27024It can be noted that the largest anti-divisor, 18016, is exactly 2/3 of 27024 and the largest anti-divisor of any number is always either exactly 2/3 of that number or very close to it. Figure 1 shows a table of anti-perfect numbers and their anti-divisors.

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

2023 TO THE POWER OF 2023

This is a puzzle that appeared on March 27th 2023 as a post in a blog titled PUZZLE A DAY. The challenge is to find the last digit of 2023 to the power of 2023? The clue provided is that there is a pattern to be found. Work out the last digit of 2023 to the power of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

I used SageMathCell to generate the numbers for 2023 raised to the powers 1 to 12. The results were (permalink):


The repeating pattern 1, 3, 9, 7 of final digits is apparent. This is not surprising when we consider that it is only the final digit that we are interested in and that 3 raised to the same powers produces the same pattern:


Every power that is a multiple of 4 ends in a 1 and so all we need to do is to divide 2023 by 4 which leaves a remainder of 3. Thus 2023 to the power 2023 is three positions ahead of the 1 and so the final digit must be 7. In general, any number that ends in 3, when raised to consecutive powers, will follow this same 1, 3, 9, 7 pattern just as 3 and 2023 do.

Generalising, we can look at numbers ending in digits 0 to 9. Here is the pattern for integer powers greater than zero:
  • 0 --> numbers ending in 0 will always end in 0
  • 1 --> numbers ending in 1 will always end in 1
  • 2 -->  numbers ending in 2 will follow a 2, 4, 8, 6 pattern
  • 3 -->  numbers ending in 3 will follow a 1, 3, 9, 7 pattern
  • 4 --> numbers ending in 4 will follow a 4, 6 pattern
  • 5 --> numbers ending in 5 will always end in 5
  • 6 --> numbers ending in 6 will always end in 6
  • 7 --> numbers ending in 7 will follow a 1, 7, 9, 3 pattern
  • 8 --> numbers ending in 8 will follow a 2, 6, 8, 4 pattern
  • 9 --> number ending in 9 will follow a 1, 9 pattern

So a question like what is final digit of 2028 raised to the power 2028 is easily answered. Let's look at the powers of 2028 from 1 to 12:


All multiples of 4 end in 6 and if we divides 2028 by 6 we get 0 and so 2028 raised to the power 2028 must end in 6 as well. This is just my way of looking at the problem and there are surely other approaches.

Overall the PUZZLE A DAY site looks interesting, providing as it does a little mathematical challenge each day.

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Gematria in Greek and Arabic Languages

For some reason, I got to thinking about Gematria and the language of ancient Greece that was spoken widely throughout the Mediterranean. What follows are some questions that I posed to ChatGPT together with the answers that I received:

What numerical value can be assigned to the phrase "Jesus" using Greek-based gematria?

In Greek-based gematria, each Greek letter is assigned a numerical value. Using this system, the name "Jesus" in Greek is written as Ιησούς. The corresponding numerical values of each letter are:

Ι (iota) = 10

η (eta) = 8

σ (sigma) = 200

ο (omicron) = 70

υ (upsilon) = 400

ς (final sigma) = 200

To obtain the numerical value of "Jesus", we simply add up the values of each letter:

10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 = 888

Therefore, the numerical value assigned to the phrase "Jesus" using Greek-based gematria is 888.

Can you identify five other Greek words that had a gematria value of 888?

There are several Greek words that have a gematria value of 888. Here are five examples:

Παραδειγματισμός (Paradeigmatismos) - meaning "example, pattern" in English.

Χριστοφανής (Christophanes) - meaning "bearing Christ" or "Christ-bearer" in English.

Σταυροφορία (Stauroforia) - meaning "bearing a cross" in English.

Σωτηρία (Soteria) - meaning "salvation" or "deliverance" in English.

Πνευματικός (Pneumatikos) - meaning "spiritual" or "of the spirit" in English.

All of these words have a gematria value of 888 when their letters are added up using the Greek-based gematria system.

What about "fish" in Greek? I thought that this word had a numerical value of 888 as well.

You are correct! The Greek word for "fish" is ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthys), and it is also associated with the numerical value of 888 in Greek-based gematria.

The letters in the word ΙΧΘΥΣ represent the phrase "Ἰησοῦς Χριστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ," which translates to "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior" in English. Each letter in the word ΙΧΘΥΣ is assigned a numerical value, as follows:

Ι (iota) = 10

Χ (chi) = 600

Θ (theta) = 9

Υ (upsilon) = 400

Σ (sigma) = 200

When these values are added up, the total is 1,219. However, the number 1,219 was often reduced to 888 by early Christians, as it was believed to be a more significant number due to its association with Jesus.

Therefore, the word ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthys) has a gematria value of 888 in Greek-based gematria, and it is often used as a symbol of Christianity.

Was the New Testament first written in Hebrew or Greek?

The New Testament was originally written in Greek. While Jesus and his disciples spoke Aramaic, which is a Semitic language related to Hebrew, the books of the New Testament were written in Greek, which was the common language of the eastern Mediterranean region at the time.

There are a few reasons why Greek was used as the language of the New Testament. One is that Greek was the language of culture and learning in the Hellenistic world, and it was widely spoken throughout the Roman Empire. Another reason is that the early Christian community was composed of Jews and Gentiles, and Greek was a common language that both groups could understand.

It is possible that some parts of the New Testament were originally composed in Aramaic or Hebrew, and then later translated into Greek. However, the earliest known manuscripts of the New Testament are written in Greek, and most scholars believe that the original texts were written in Greek as well.

What are some of the important numbers in the ancient Greek language because of their connection via Gematria to various Greek words and phrases.

In the ancient Greek language, various numbers were considered significant because of their connection to certain words or phrases through gematria. Here are a few examples:

888: As mentioned earlier, the Greek word for "fish," ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthys), has a gematria value of 888. The number 888 was also associated with Jesus, as it was believed to be a numerological representation of his name in Greek (Ιησούς).

666: The number 666 is known as the "number of the beast" in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. It has been associated with various figures throughout history, including the emperor Nero, whose name in Greek (Νέρων Καίσαρ) has a gematria value of 666.

777: The number 777 was associated with the god Apollo, who was sometimes referred to as "Apollo Heptaphoros," or "Apollo the bearer of seven." The number seven was considered sacred in Greek mythology, as there were seven planets in the ancient world and seven days in a week.

153: In the Gospel of John, it is said that after Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his disciples while they were fishing and helped them catch 153 fish. The significance of this number is unclear, but it has been interpreted as having mystical or symbolic meaning.

40: The number 40 appears frequently in the Bible and in Greek mythology as a symbol of testing or trial. For example, in the Old Testament, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, and Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert before beginning his ministry. In Greek mythology, the hero Heracles (Hercules) had to perform 12 labors, which were said to have taken a total of 40 years.

These are just a few examples of the significant numbers in ancient Greek culture. Other numbers, such as 12 (associated with the 12 Olympian gods) and 144 (12 squared), also held special significance in Greek thought.

Can you provide the numerical values of all the ancient Greek letters?

Certainly, here are the numerical values of the ancient Greek letters (Figure 1):

Figure 1

Note that these values are based on the ancient Greek numerical system, where letters were used as symbols for numbers. This system is known as the "Attic" or "Ionian" system and was used primarily in ancient Greece, especially in the context of sacred geometry, philosophy, and mathematics.

What other languages regularly assigned numerical values to the letters of their alphabet and linked apparently disparate words and phrases together via their numerical equivalence, a practice known as Gematria?

Gematria is a practice that has been used in several languages throughout history. Here are some examples:

Hebrew: Gematria is most commonly associated with the Hebrew language. In Hebrew, each letter has a corresponding numerical value, and this system is known as gematria. It is believed that the Hebrew language was designed to have a deeper meaning beyond just its literal interpretation, and gematria is one way to uncover this hidden meaning.

Greek: The Greek language also has a system of assigning numerical values to letters, known as isopsephy. Like in Hebrew, this practice was used to find hidden meanings in words and phrases.

Arabic: Arabic also has a system of assigning numerical values to letters, known as abjad numerals. This system is used in various contexts, including religious texts, where the numerical values of words and phrases are thought to hold deeper significance.

English: Although not as widely used as in the above-mentioned languages, some English-speaking mystics and esotericists have used gematria to find hidden meanings in words and phrases. In English, the most commonly used system assigns the values A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on.

What are the numeric values of the letters in Arabic? Give some examples of their application in the area of Gematria.

In Arabic, each letter has a numerical value assigned to it, which is used in various mystical and numerological practices such as Gematria. The following is a table of the Arabic letters and their corresponding numerical values:

Letter Value
ا     1
ب     2
ج 3
د 4
ه 5
و 6
ز 7
ح 8
ط 9
ي 10
ك 20
ل 30
م 40
ن 50
س 60
ع 70
ف 80
ص 90
ق 100
ر 200
ش 300
ت 400
ث 500
خ 600
ذ 700
ض 800
ظ 900
غ 1000

Gematria is the practice of assigning numerical values to words or phrases based on the numerical value of their constituent letters. This practice is commonly used in Arabic literature, particularly in mystical and religious texts. Here are some examples of Gematria in Arabic:

In Islamic numerology, the phrase "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate) has a numerical value of 786, which is considered a sacred number.

The word "Allah" (God) has a numerical value of 66, and the word "Muhammad" (the name of the Prophet) has a value of 92. When added together, these numbers give a total of 158, which is considered a sacred number in some Islamic traditions.

In Sufi mysticism, the number 19 is considered significant, and the word "waḥdāniyya" (oneness) has a numerical value of 19.

In some numerological practices, the number 777 is considered lucky, and the phrase "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) has a value of 777 when each letter is multiplied by its position in the alphabet.

Can you write the name for Muhammad in Arabic script and show the numerical value of his name using Gematria?

Yes, of course!

The name "Muhammad" in Arabic script is written as "محمد".

The numerical value of his name using Gematria is calculated by assigning a numerical value to each Arabic letter based on its position in the Arabic alphabet. In this case, we have:

م (Meem) = 40
ح (Ha) = 8
م (Meem) = 40
د (Dal) = 4

Therefore, the total numerical value of the name "Muhammad" is:

40 + 8 + 40 + 4 = 92

The Arabic script is not very clear. Figure 2 is a little clearer.

What is the Arabic term for Gematria or the method of deriving numerical values for words from the individual letters that comprise the word?

The Arabic term for Gematria or the method of deriving numerical values for words from the individual letters that comprise the word is "Abjad numerals". In this system, each letter in the Arabic alphabet is assigned a numerical value, and the numerical value of a word is the sum of the values of its individual letters. The Abjad numerals are still used in various Islamic practices, such as numerology and divination.

What is the Indonesian term for Gematria or the method of deriving numerical values for words from the individual letters that comprise the word?

There is no specific Indonesian term for Gematria. However, the concept of deriving numerical values from letters is known in Indonesia as "Ilmu Simbol" or "Ilmu Angka". This translates to "Symbolic Science" or "Numerology" in English. While not exactly the same as Gematria, the two concepts share similarities in that they both involve assigning numerical values to letters or words.

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Super-d Numbers Revisited

For some reasons, a search for super-d numbers failed to initially discover a previous post on the topic from February 22nd, 2022. Consequently, some of the content in that post has been repeated. Here is the earlier post titled Super-d Numbers. It's a good idea to view both posts as each contains certain content that isn't repeated in the other. The number of posts in this blog now exceeds 500 so it's easy to forget about previous posts. I need to be thorough in the tags that I add to each post.

Here is the new post created when I wasn't aware of the earlier post. 

For d=2,,9, a super-d number is a number n such that dnd contains a substring made of d digits dFor example, 261 is a super-3 number since 32613=5333_8743.

I was reminded of these numbers because my diurnal age today, 27019, is a super-2 number since 2270192=1460052722_. Figure 1 shows a table of the initial d-numbers for values of d from 2 to 9.

Figure 1:  source

Figure 2 shows the initial palindromic super-d numbers for values of d from 2 to 6.

Figure 2: source

The frequency of super-d numbers decreases as the value of d increases. The numbers in the range up to 40,000 are 4377, 420, 43, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0 for d = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 respectively. For me, a forthcoming super-6 number, and the only one is the range up to 40,000, is 27257 with the property that:6272576=2460478505381666666_506497894Here is a Permalink to the calculation.

Friday, 24 March 2023

Balanced Numbers

My diurnal age today is 27018 and the sum of the digits to the left of the zero are equal to the sum of the digits to the right of the zero (both total 9):27018=2+7=92701+8=918Such a number is often referred to as a balanced number. If the number has an even number of digits, then there is no middle digit. An example is 2341:2341=2+3=5234+1=541It's a simple enough concept and it's not difficult to write some SageMath code to find all such numbers between 10 and 40000. Here's the permalink. I developed this code myself but Geeks for Geeks has the code in C++, Java, Python3, C# and Javascript.

All palindromic numbers are of course balanced numbers. Here are the 2764 balanced numbers in the range, constituting 6.91% of the total:

11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 202, 212, 222, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282, 292, 303, 313, 323, 333, 343, 353, 363, 373, 383, 393, 404, 414, 424, 434, 444, 454, 464, 474, 484, 494, 505, 515, 525, 535, 545, 555, 565, 575, 585, 595, 606, 616, 626, 636, 646, 656, 666, 676, 686, 696, 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, 787, 797, 808, 818, 828, 838, 848, 858, 868, 878, 888, 898, 909, 919, 929, 939, 949, 959, 969, 979, 989, 999, 1001, 1010, 1102, 1111, 1120, 1203, 1212, 1221, 1230, 1304, 1313, 1322, 1331, 1340, 1405, 1414, 1423, 1432, 1441, 1450, 1506, 1515, 1524, 1533, 1542, 1551, 1560, 1607, 1616, 1625, 1634, 1643, 1652, 1661, 1670, 1708, 1717, 1726, 1735, 1744, 1753, 1762, 1771, 1780, 1809, 1818, 1827, 1836, 1845, 1854, 1863, 1872, 1881, 1890, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2002, 2011, 2020, 2103, 2112, 2121, 2130, 2204, 2213, 2222, 2231, 2240, 2305, 2314, 2323, 2332, 2341, 2350, 2406, 2415, 2424, 2433, 2442, 2451, 2460, 2507, 2516, 2525, 2534, 2543, 2552, 2561, 2570, 2608, 2617, 2626, 2635, 2644, 2653, 2662, 2671, 2680, 2709, 2718, 2727, 2736, 2745, 2754, 2763, 2772, 2781, 2790, 2819, 2828, 2837, 2846, 2855, 2864, 2873, 2882, 2891, 2929, 2938, 2947, 2956, 2965, 2974, 2983, 2992, 3003, 3012, 3021, 3030, 3104, 3113, 3122, 3131, 3140, 3205, 3214, 3223, 3232, 3241, 3250, 3306, 3315, 3324, 3333, 3342, 3351, 3360, 3407, 3416, 3425, 3434, 3443, 3452, 3461, 3470, 3508, 3517, 3526, 3535, 3544, 3553, 3562, 3571, 3580, 3609, 3618, 3627, 3636, 3645, 3654, 3663, 3672, 3681, 3690, 3719, 3728, 3737, 3746, 3755, 3764, 3773, 3782, 3791, 3829, 3838, 3847, 3856, 3865, 3874, 3883, 3892, 3939, 3948, 3957, 3966, 3975, 3984, 3993, 4004, 4013, 4022, 4031, 4040, 4105, 4114, 4123, 4132, 4141, 4150, 4206, 4215, 4224, 4233, 4242, 4251, 4260, 4307, 4316, 4325, 4334, 4343, 4352, 4361, 4370, 4408, 4417, 4426, 4435, 4444, 4453, 4462, 4471, 4480, 4509, 4518, 4527, 4536, 4545, 4554, 4563, 4572, 4581, 4590, 4619, 4628, 4637, 4646, 4655, 4664, 4673, 4682, 4691, 4729, 4738, 4747, 4756, 4765, 4774, 4783, 4792, 4839, 4848, 4857, 4866, 4875, 4884, 4893, 4949, 4958, 4967, 4976, 4985, 4994, 5005, 5014, 5023, 5032, 5041, 5050, 5106, 5115, 5124, 5133, 5142, 5151, 5160, 5207, 5216, 5225, 5234, 5243, 5252, 5261, 5270, 5308, 5317, 5326, 5335, 5344, 5353, 5362, 5371, 5380, 5409, 5418, 5427, 5436, 5445, 5454, 5463, 5472, 5481, 5490, 5519, 5528, 5537, 5546, 5555, 5564, 5573, 5582, 5591, 5629, 5638, 5647, 5656, 5665, 5674, 5683, 5692, 5739, 5748, 5757, 5766, 5775, 5784, 5793, 5849, 5858, 5867, 5876, 5885, 5894, 5959, 5968, 5977, 5986, 5995, 6006, 6015, 6024, 6033, 6042, 6051, 6060, 6107, 6116, 6125, 6134, 6143, 6152, 6161, 6170, 6208, 6217, 6226, 6235, 6244, 6253, 6262, 6271, 6280, 6309, 6318, 6327, 6336, 6345, 6354, 6363, 6372, 6381, 6390, 6419, 6428, 6437, 6446, 6455, 6464, 6473, 6482, 6491, 6529, 6538, 6547, 6556, 6565, 6574, 6583, 6592, 6639, 6648, 6657, 6666, 6675, 6684, 6693, 6749, 6758, 6767, 6776, 6785, 6794, 6859, 6868, 6877, 6886, 6895, 6969, 6978, 6987, 6996, 7007, 7016, 7025, 7034, 7043, 7052, 7061, 7070, 7108, 7117, 7126, 7135, 7144, 7153, 7162, 7171, 7180, 7209, 7218, 7227, 7236, 7245, 7254, 7263, 7272, 7281, 7290, 7319, 7328, 7337, 7346, 7355, 7364, 7373, 7382, 7391, 7429, 7438, 7447, 7456, 7465, 7474, 7483, 7492, 7539, 7548, 7557, 7566, 7575, 7584, 7593, 7649, 7658, 7667, 7676, 7685, 7694, 7759, 7768, 7777, 7786, 7795, 7869, 7878, 7887, 7896, 7979, 7988, 7997, 8008, 8017, 8026, 8035, 8044, 8053, 8062, 8071, 8080, 8109, 8118, 8127, 8136, 8145, 8154, 8163, 8172, 8181, 8190, 8219, 8228, 8237, 8246, 8255, 8264, 8273, 8282, 8291, 8329, 8338, 8347, 8356, 8365, 8374, 8383, 8392, 8439, 8448, 8457, 8466, 8475, 8484, 8493, 8549, 8558, 8567, 8576, 8585, 8594, 8659, 8668, 8677, 8686, 8695, 8769, 8778, 8787, 8796, 8879, 8888, 8897, 8989, 8998, 9009, 9018, 9027, 9036, 9045, 9054, 9063, 9072, 9081, 9090, 9119, 9128, 9137, 9146, 9155, 9164, 9173, 9182, 9191, 9229, 9238, 9247, 9256, 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Thursday, 23 March 2023

Motzkin Numbers

I recently came upon a class of numbers known as Motzkin numbers. They are defined as follows:

In mathematics, the n-th Motzkin number is the number of different ways of drawing non-intersecting chords between n points on a circle. Source.

Figures 1 and 2 are illustrations showing two of the numbers (9 and 21) using the same source:

Figure 1: there are 9 ways to draw non-intersecting chords
between 4 points on a circle (M(4)= 9)

Figure 2: there are 21 ways to draw non-intersecting chords
between 5 points on a circle (M(5) = 21)

The Motzkin numbers satisfy the following recurrence relation:Mn=2n+1n+2Mn1+3n3n+2Mn2The Motzkin numbers can be expressed in terms of binomial coefficients and Catalan numbers:Mn=n/2k=0(n2k)CkCn+1=nk=0(nk)MkThe generating function for the Motzkin numbers is given by:1x12x3x22x2I asked ChatGPT about them.

Q: Can you explain what Motzkin numbers are and give some simple examples of their usefulness.

A: Motzkin numbers, named after the mathematician Theodor Motzkin, are a sequence of numbers that count the number of ways to draw non-intersecting chords between n points on a circle. They are denoted by M(n).

The first few Motzkin numbers are:

M(0) = 1, M(1) = 1, M(2) = 2, M(3) = 4, M(4) = 9, M(5) = 21, M(6) = 51, M(7) = 127, M(8) = 323, M(9) = 835, M(10) = 2188

Motzkin numbers have a variety of applications in combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and physics. Here are some simple examples of their usefulness:

  • Counting lattice paths: A lattice path is a path on a grid of integer points. The number of lattice paths from (0, 0) to (n, k) that only move up, down, or diagonally up and to the right, and never below the x-axis, is given by the Motzkin number M(k). 

  • Counting RNA structures: RNA is a molecule that plays a key role in protein synthesis. The number of possible secondary structures for an RNA molecule of length n is given by the Motzkin number M(-1). 

  • Counting balanced chemical reactions: The number of balanced chemical reactions involving n molecules is given by the Motzkin number M(-1). This can be useful in chemistry and chemical engineering. 

  • Counting irreducible algebraic curves: An irreducible algebraic curve is a curve that cannot be expressed as the union of two smaller curves. The number of irreducible algebraic curves of degree n in projective space is given by the Motzkin number M(-1). 

  • Counting diagrams in knot theory: Knot theory is the study of mathematical knots. The number of diagrams that represent a knot with n crossings is given by the Motzkin number M(-2).

These are just a few examples of the many applications of Motzkin numbers in various fields of mathematics and science.

The Motzkin numbers constitute OEIS A001006:


 numbers: number of ways of drawing any number of non-intersecting chords joining n (labeled) points on a circle.

The first few members, up to one million, are:

1, 1, 2, 4, 9, 21, 51, 127, 323, 835, 2188, 5798, 15511, 41835, 113634, 310572, 853467

The problem from the perspective of my diurnal age is that the last member occurred when I was 15511 days old and the next will occur if I were to reach 41835 days old, which is highly unlikely. I'm currently 27017 days old and a few days away from my 74th birthday. However, if reflections and rotations are allowed since, returning to Figures 1 and 2, the number 9 becomes 4 and the number 21 becomes 5. These are noticeably smaller.

These unlabeled Motzkin numbers constitute OEIS A175954:


Unlabeled (cyclic) Motzkin numbers: number of ways of drawing any number of nonintersecting chords joining n unlabeled points equally spaced on a circle, up to rotations of the circle.

The initial members, up to one million, are:

1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 12, 19, 46, 95, 230, 528, 1320, 3219, 8172, 20714, 53478, 138635, 363486, 957858

However, these numbers again miss my possible forthcoming diurnal ages as there is a jump from 20714 to 53478. Ah well.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Hidden Connections

In a separate blog of mine, I was writing about the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC as it's most conveniently referred to. Whenever I see letters, I also see numbers. Such is my affliction. The numbers I see lie behind the letters when they are viewed as placeholders for numbers in non-decimal bases. In the case of CBDC, the obvious number base to consider is hexadecimal, base 16.

Bases of 14 and 15 are possible but they are not commonly used whereas hexadecimal is ubiquitous. So what decimal number does a hexadecimal CBDC convert to then. The answer is 52188. What are the hidden connections I refer to? Well, the connection lies in its factorisation which is 22×3×4349.

The connection is only apparent to me because I'm born on April 3rd 1949 which can be written as 4-3-49 in date notation and compressed to 4349. The smaller initial factors 22=4 and 3 reinforce this. I'm not suggesting any deep connection between myself and CBDC.  I'm just pointing this out as a mathematical curiosity. 

It's interesting to me to be able to see numbers lurking behind words and letters. See my recent post: Elements, Letters and NumbersI also find it interesting to see dates as numbers and numbers as dates. See my recent posts: The Julian Day NumberSpecial Numbers, Special DatesTurning Dates Into Numbers.

Getting back to my birthdate and birthdates in general, it can be observed that birthdates or any dates can be interpreted as numbers in the following ways using my birthdate as the example:

  • DD - MM - YY with leading zeros and intermediate zeros optionally omitted.

    For example, 03 - 04 - 49 --> 30449 or, as it's said, "third of the fourth forty nine" (3449)

  • MM - DD - YY with leading zeros omitted and intermediate zeros optionally omitted.

    For example, 04 - 03 - 49 --> 40349 or, as it's said, "fourth of the third forty nine" (4349)

  • DD - MM - YYYY

    For example, 03041949 --> 3041949 or, as it's said, "third of the fourth nineteen forty nine" (341949)

  • MM - DD - YYYY

    For example, 04 - 03 - 1949 --> 4031949 or, as it's said, "fourth of the third nineteen forty nine" (431949)


    For example, 19490403 and intermediate zeros are not usually dropped here. It's this format that I focused on in my blog titled Turning Dates into Numbers back in January of 2023.
Of these various representations, only three are prime:

3 - 4 - 49 = 3449 = 3449
3- 04 - 49 = 30449
4 - 3 - 49 = 4349
4 - 03 - 49 = 157 * 257
3 - 4 - 1949 = 3 * 113983
3 - 04 - 1949 = 3 * 43 * 23581
4 - 3 - 1949 = 3 * 7 * 67 * 307
4 - 03 - 1949 = 3 * 1343983
1949 - 04 - 03 = 3 * 167 * 38903

Monday, 13 March 2023

Rectangles and Squares

If we envisage a semiprime that is not a square number as a rectangle then a number like 15 that is equal to 3 x 5 could be represented as shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: created using Geoboard

The average of 3 and 5 is 4 and a 4 x 4 square has the same perimeter as the 3 x 5 rectangle. Both are 16 units in perimeter. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: created using Geoboard

Though the rectangle and the square have the same perimeter, they have different areas. The rectangle has an area of 15 square units and the square has an area of 16 square units. 16 is a square number and the semiprime 15 is linked to it via its two prime factors:3+52×4=16The square number divided by 4 gives the side of the associated square. Not every semiprime can be linked to square number in this way. Take 33 with prime factors of 3 and 11 as an example:3+112×4=28In general, if a semiprime has two distinct prime factors a and b, then the condition is that 2×(a+b) needs to be a square number. 

In the range up to 40,000, only 172 of the 9790 semiprimes qualify (permalink). Here is the list:
15, 65, 77, 87, 141, 247, 301, 335, 481, 589, 591, 671, 717, 767, 785, 1007, 1167, 1247, 1271, 1351, 1415, 1501, 1527, 1661, 1937, 1967, 2071, 2077, 2157, 2257, 2317, 2391, 2977, 3007, 3047, 3101, 3197, 3215, 3439, 3997, 4061, 4087, 4237, 4385, 4487, 4607, 4829, 4927, 5111, 5777, 6031, 6077, 6161, 6487, 6497, 6541, 6557, 6751, 6927, 7087, 7265, 7341, 7357, 7361, 7967, 8189, 8479, 8557, 9217, 9271, 9287, 9517, 9991, 10077, 10157, 10231, 10727, 11041, 11327, 12209, 12687, 12877, 12989, 13511, 13847, 14317, 14397, 15007, 15185, 15917, 16081, 16397, 16769, 16897, 16957, 17711, 17951, 18141, 18157, 18527, 18807, 19117, 19127, 19367, 19511, 19679, 19741, 19757, 20017, 20191, 20567, 20687, 20711, 20877, 21041, 21421, 21697, 23015, 23231, 23377, 23389, 23729, 23839, 24727, 24737, 24887, 24961, 25341, 25661, 25837, 25967, 25985, 26797, 26909, 27341, 27661, 28247, 28417, 29047, 29135, 29431, 30237, 30311, 30461, 30847, 31597, 31681, 32047, 32551, 32567, 32847, 33527, 34207, 34241, 34647, 34951, 35249, 35741, 35807, 36077, 36391, 36737, 37327, 37437, 37777, 38081, 38191, 38407, 38551, 38687, 39421, 39665
Let's test the second member of the sequence, 65, with factors of 5 and 13. We see that:2×(5+13)=36The associated square has a side of 9 units. However, different semiprimes can produce the same square number. Take the semiprime 77 with prime factors of 7 and 11 as an example: 2×(7+11)=36See Figure 3 where the two rectangles associated with the two different semiprimes are shown together with the associated square.

Figure 3: created using Geoboard

If we want to work backwards from the square numbers to the semiprimes, then it's a question of dividing the square number by 2 and partitioning the resultant number into two parts such that each is prime. The results (permalink) are shown in the table below with only those semiprimes up to 40,000 displayed. The algorithm is easily modified so as to remove this filter and show all semiprimes associated with square numbers up and including 40,000.

square   half-square   rectangle    semiprime

  16       8             [5, 3]       15
  36       18            [13, 5]      65
  36       18            [11, 7]      77
  64       32            [29, 3]      87
  64       32            [19, 13]     247
  100      50            [47, 3]      141
  100      50            [43, 7]      301
  100      50            [37, 13]     481
  100      50            [31, 19]     589
  144      72            [67, 5]      335
  144      72            [61, 11]     671
  144      72            [59, 13]     767
  144      72            [53, 19]     1007
  144      72            [43, 29]     1247
  144      72            [41, 31]     1271
  196      98            [79, 19]     1501
  196      98            [67, 31]     2077
  196      98            [61, 37]     2257
  256      128           [109, 19]    2071
  256      128           [97, 31]     3007
  256      128           [67, 61]     4087
  324      162           [157, 5]     785
  324      162           [151, 11]    1661
  324      162           [149, 13]    1937
  324      162           [139, 23]    3197
  324      162           [131, 31]    4061
  324      162           [109, 53]    5777
  324      162           [103, 59]    6077
  324      162           [101, 61]    6161
  324      162           [89, 73]     6497
  324      162           [83, 79]     6557
  400      200           [197, 3]     591
  400      200           [193, 7]     1351
  400      200           [181, 19]    3439
  400      200           [163, 37]    6031
  400      200           [157, 43]    6751
  400      200           [139, 61]    8479
  400      200           [127, 73]    9271
  400      200           [103, 97]    9991
  484      242           [239, 3]     717
  484      242           [229, 13]    2977
  484      242           [223, 19]    4237
  484      242           [211, 31]    6541
  484      242           [199, 43]    8557
  484      242           [181, 61]    11041
  484      242           [163, 79]    12877
  484      242           [139, 103]   14317
  576      288           [283, 5]     1415
  576      288           [281, 7]     1967
  576      288           [277, 11]    3047
  576      288           [271, 17]    4607
  576      288           [269, 19]    5111
  576      288           [257, 31]    7967
  576      288           [251, 37]    9287
  576      288           [241, 47]    11327
  576      288           [229, 59]    13511
  576      288           [227, 61]    13847
  576      288           [199, 89]    17711
  576      288           [191, 97]    18527
  576      288           [181, 107]   19367
  576      288           [179, 109]   19511
  576      288           [157, 131]   20567
  576      288           [151, 137]   20687
  576      288           [149, 139]   20711
  676      338           [331, 7]     2317
  676      338           [307, 31]    9517
  676      338           [277, 61]    16897
  676      338           [271, 67]    18157
  676      338           [241, 97]    23377
  676      338           [229, 109]   24961
  676      338           [211, 127]   26797
  676      338           [199, 139]   27661
  676      338           [181, 157]   28417
  784      392           [389, 3]     1167
  784      392           [379, 13]    4927
  784      392           [373, 19]    7087
  784      392           [349, 43]    15007
  784      392           [331, 61]    20191
  784      392           [313, 79]    24727
  784      392           [283, 109]   30847
  784      392           [241, 151]   36391
  784      392           [229, 163]   37327
  784      392           [211, 181]   38191
  784      392           [199, 193]   38407
  900      450           [443, 7]     3101
  900      450           [439, 11]    4829
  900      450           [433, 17]    7361
  900      450           [431, 19]    8189
  900      450           [421, 29]    12209
  900      450           [419, 31]    12989
  900      450           [409, 41]    16769
  900      450           [397, 53]    21041
  900      450           [389, 61]    23729
  900      450           [383, 67]    25661
  900      450           [379, 71]    26909
  900      450           [367, 83]    30461
  900      450           [353, 97]    34241
  900      450           [349, 101]   35249
  900      450           [347, 103]   35741
  900      450           [337, 113]   38081
  1024     512           [509, 3]     1527
  1024     512           [499, 13]    6487
  1024     512           [439, 73]    32047
  1024     512           [433, 79]    34207
  1156     578           [571, 7]     3997
  1156     578           [547, 31]    16957
  1156     578           [541, 37]    20017
  1156     578           [499, 79]    39421
  1296     648           [643, 5]     3215
  1296     648           [641, 7]     4487
  1296     648           [631, 17]    10727
  1296     648           [619, 29]    17951
  1296     648           [617, 31]    19127
  1296     648           [607, 41]    24887
  1296     648           [601, 47]    28247
  1296     648           [587, 61]    35807
  1444     722           [719, 3]     2157
  1444     722           [709, 13]    9217
  1444     722           [691, 31]    21421
  1600     800           [797, 3]     2391
  1600     800           [787, 13]    10231
  1600     800           [769, 31]    23839
  1600     800           [757, 43]    32551
  1764     882           [877, 5]     4385
  1764     882           [863, 19]    16397
  1764     882           [859, 23]    19757
  1764     882           [853, 29]    24737
  1764     882           [839, 43]    36077
  1936     968           [937, 31]    29047
  2116     1058          [1051, 7]    7357
  2116     1058          [1039, 19]   19741
  2116     1058          [1021, 37]   37777
  2304     1152          [1129, 23]   25967
  2304     1152          [1123, 29]   32567
  2500     1250          [1237, 13]   16081
  2500     1250          [1231, 19]   23389
  2916     1458          [1453, 5]    7265
  2916     1458          [1451, 7]    10157
  2916     1458          [1447, 11]   15917
  2916     1458          [1439, 19]   27341
  3136     1568          [1549, 19]   29431
  3364     1682          [1669, 13]   21697
  3364     1682          [1663, 19]   31597
  3600     1800          [1789, 11]   19679
  3600     1800          [1787, 13]   23231
  3600     1800          [1783, 17]   30311
  4096     2048          [2029, 19]   38551
  4356     2178          [2161, 17]   36737
  4624     2312          [2309, 3]    6927
  4900     2450          [2447, 3]    7341
  4900     2450          [2437, 13]   31681
  5184     2592          [2579, 13]   33527
  5476     2738          [2731, 7]    19117
  6084     3042          [3037, 5]    15185
  6724     3362          [3359, 3]    10077
  7056     3528          [3517, 11]   38687
  7396     3698          [3691, 7]    25837
  8464     4232          [4229, 3]    12687
  9216     4608          [4603, 5]    23015
  9604     4802          [4799, 3]    14397
  10000    5000          [4993, 7]    34951
  10404    5202          [5197, 5]    25985
  11664    5832          [5827, 5]    29135
  12100    6050          [6047, 3]    18141
  12544    6272          [6269, 3]    18807
  13924    6962          [6959, 3]    20877
  15876    7938          [7933, 5]    39665
  16900    8450          [8447, 3]    25341
  20164    10082         [10079, 3]   30237
  21904    10952         [10949, 3]   32847
  23104    11552         [11549, 3]   34647
  24964    12482         [12479, 3]   37437

One could extend this idea to sphenic numbers and three dimensions. Each sphenic number can be interpreted as a brick or rectangular prism. What sphenic numbers have surface areas that are the same as that of cubes with integer sides? The list of such sphenic numbers is shown in the table below (permalink):

sphenic   factors         SA      cube side   SA

  374       2 * 11 * 17     486     9           486
  710       2 * 5 * 71      1014    13          1014
  3110      2 * 5 * 311     4374    27          4374
  3590      2 * 5 * 359     5046    29          5046
  4454      2 * 17 * 131    5046    29          5046
  6182      2 * 11 * 281    7350    35          7350
  7190      2 * 5 * 719     10086   41          10086
  8911      7 * 19 * 67     3750    25          3750
  9494      2 * 47 * 101    10086   41          10086
  10502     2 * 59 * 89     11094   43          11094
  10507     7 * 19 * 79     4374    27          4374
  11798     2 * 17 * 347    13254   47          13254
  18518     2 * 47 * 197    19494   57          19494
  18854     2 * 11 * 857    22326   61          22326
  20390     2 * 5 * 2039    28566   69          28566
  24134     2 * 11 * 1097   28566   69          28566
  27559     7 * 31 * 127    10086   41          10086