Thursday 24 December 2015

Double and Reverse Digits

After twelve days, I encountered today the first member of the twin prime pair: 24371 and 24373. It's been a while: the last pair was 24179 and 24181 as far as I can tell. The number is a member of the interesting OEIS A036447 formed using 1 as its starting point and then doubling and reversing the digits:

1, 2, 4, 8, 61, 221, 244, 884, 8671, 24371, ...

The number is also a member of OEIS A243408: primes p such that 10p-1, 10p-3, 10p-7 and 10p-9 are all prime. This means that 243709, 243707, 243703 and 243701 are all prime.

Additionally, the number is a member of OEIS A158641: strong primes p: adding 2 to any one digit of p produces a prime number (no digits 8 & 9 in p). This means that 44371, 26371, 24571, 24391 and 24373 are prime.

There's still more. The number is a member of OEIS A104846: primes from merging of 5 successive digits in decimal expansion of e. Here is part of the sequence (up to 24371):

74713, 62497, 24977, 24709, 47093, 95957, 49669, 27427, 46639, 32003, 59921, 21817, 35729, 63073, 28627, 27943, 94349, 33829, 98807, 57383, 41879, 18793, 91499, 68477, 47741, 37423, 42437, 24371

Lastly, 24371 is also a member of OEIS A054564 as describe below:

Thursday 10 December 2015

Permutations of Digits 2 to 6

I struggled yesterday to come up with anything of significance for my 24356 tweet. I filled it out with "my prime drought is nearly over as 24359 draws nearer (previous was 24337)" but a day later I realise that I should have looked a little more closely at the number, especially in the light of my previous post. 24356 is a permutation of the digits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This has occurred previously with 23456, 23465, 23546, 23564, 23645, 23654 and now with 24356, followed shortly by 24365. I need to learn to not rely solely on WolframAlpha and the OEIS for my information about my daily numbers.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Permutations of Digits 1 to 5

Even though the number 24351 doesn't seem to have much mathematical significance, it nonetheless should not pass unnoticed because the digits that comprise it are a permutation of the first five digits: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The occurrences of this thus far have been:

12345, 12354, 12435, 12453, 12534, 12543, 13245, 13254, 13425, 13452, 13524, 13542, 14235, 14253, 14325, 14352, 14523, 14532, 15234, 15243, 15324, 15342, 15423, 15432, 21345, 21354, 21435, 21453, 21534, 21543, 23145, 23154, 23415, 23451, 23514, 23541, 24135, 24153, 24315, 24351

Thus it can be seen that 24351 is the fortieth such occurrence and because the sum of the first five digits is 15, all of these numbers are divisible by 3 and thus none are prime. The first occurrence (12345) took place on Thursday, January 20, 1983 when I was in England with Ali and Tara. I was still 33 years of age at that time, half my current age. The continuation will be:

24513, 24531, 25134, 25143, 25314, 25341, 25413, 25431, 31245, ...

The jump from 25431 to 31245 is a big one with the latter falling on Thursday, October 19, 2034. If I make it that far, I'll be over 85 years old.