I noticed that the sum of divisors (64680) of the number (27708) that represents my diurnal age today has the following factorisation:64680=23×3×5×72×11
These prime factors, ignoring multiplicity, represent the factorisation of a primorial, in this case the primorial 2310:2310=2×3×5×7×11
This got me wondering what other numbers in the range up to 40000 have a sum of divisors whose prime factors, again without multiplicity, form the primorial 2310. It turns out that there are 267 such numbers. They are (permalink):
1538, 2180, 2309, 2456, 2636, 2834, 3488, 3688, 3845, 4469, 4472, 4614, 4618, 4796, 4988, 5276, 6152, 6158, 6540, 6927, 7085, 7368, 7412, 7690, 7908, 7916, 8424, 8459, 8502, 8567, 8759, 8780, 8903, 8938, 9047, 9236, 9239, 9396, 9848, 9956, 10028, 10148, 10464, 10766, 11064, 11336, 11414, 11535, 11545, 11549, 11666, 11876, 11954, 12280, 12447, 12644, 13073, 13180, 13196, 13369, 13407, 13416, 13544, 13624, 13854, 13859, 14048, 14104, 14148, 14170, 14388, 14776, 14964, 14972, 15196, 15260, 15308, 15380, 15395, 15398, 15587, 15828, 16163, 16211, 16340, 16578, 16918, 17134, 17147, 17192, 17440, 17518, 17687, 17806, 17876, 17999, 18017, 18094, 18113, 18203, 18209, 18440, 18452, 18456, 18472, 18474, 18478, 19116, 19316, 19838, 19988, 19994, 20488, 20492, 20789, 21088, 21116, 21146, 21242, 21255, 21276, 22236, 22301, 22345, 22360, 22518, 22852, 23070, 23090, 23098, 23099, 23108, 23220, 23748, 23756, 23980, 24089, 24416, 24608, 24632, 24894, 24940, 25064, 25377, 25399, 25409, 25628, 25701, 25724, 25727, 25816, 26144, 26146, 26277, 26340, 26380, 26396, 26568, 26709, 26738, 26814, 26915, 27016, 27019, 27141, 27199, 27323, 27352, 27359, 27383, 27708, 27717, 27718, 27956, 28340, 28404, 28535, 28552, 28836, 28996, 29165, 29222, 29544, 29852, 29868, 29885, 30014, 30017, 30084, 30186, 30302, 30444, 30508, 30537, 30760, 30780, 30788, 30790, 30916, 30956, 31174, 31283, 31304, 31529, 31676, 31928, 31937, 32298, 32326, 32357, 32422, 32591, 32981, 33256, 33368, 33497, 33572, 33836, 33869, 33939, 34008, 34242, 34268, 34294, 34635, 34647, 34649, 34916, 34998, 35036, 35093, 35180, 35374, 35612, 35628, 35699, 35752, 35862, 35948, 35998, 36034, 36077, 36143, 36188, 36226, 36406, 36418, 36419, 36437, 36557, 36840, 36932, 36956, 37060, 37152, 37932, 38368, 38495, 38498, 38597, 38804, 39219, 39253, 39540, 39580, 39588, 39904
What caught my attention in this sequence of numbers was a pair of numbers that will be coming up for me in a little over a week. The numbers are 27717 and 27718. This got me to wondering if there were other such number pairs in the range up to 40000 and it turns out that there are. The other two are (23098, 23099) and (36418, 36419). See Table 1 for the details.
Table 1 |
27718 also has the interesting property that its cototient has the same prime factors as 2310 since the totient is 13858 and thus the cototient is27718−13858=13860=22×32×5×7×11
In the range up to 40000, the only numbers with this property are 4618, 9236, 18472, 18478, 23098, 27718 and 36956 (permalink).
Anyway getting back on track, these pairs got me thinking about runs of three consecutive numbers and perhaps higher runs. I extended the range up to one million and in that range there are seven triplets of numbers whose sum of divisors consists form the factors of the primorial 2310. See Table 2.
Table 2 |
Looking at Table 2 it can be seen that there are two groups of quadruplets. See Table 3.
Table 3 |
Let's just double check the last quadrupets 692994, 692995, 692996 and 692997. See Table 4.
Table 4 |
So in terms of my diurnal age what's of interest is that the number pair 27717 and 27718 is coming up in a little over a week and its members share the interesting property discussed in this post. Let's move on to the primorial 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. In the range up to 40000, there are 1945 numbers with sums of divisors with prime factors (considered without multiplicity) that multiply together to give the primorial 210. I won't list them all but here is a permalink.
Restricting ourselves to the range up to 40000, we do get two groups of quintuplets. They are 20154 to 20158 and 29395 to 29399.
Quadruplets are more numerous of course and Table 5 shows these.
Groups of triplets are shown in Table 6.
The pairs are too numerous to list here but this is a permalink.
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