Today I turned 27717 days old and this number has a plethora of interesting properties that deserve a special mention and thus a dedicated post. Here are some of those properties.
- 27717 is a so-called Lucky Cube, meaning it is a number whose cubes contain the digit sequence “888”, here:277173=21293088810813The numbers that satisfy from 27717 to 40000 are: 27717, 27942, 27973, 28192, 28442, 28484, 28692, 28740, 28942, 29079, 29192, 29354, 29387, 29391, 29418, 29420, 29442, 29491, 29642, 29692, 29942, 29989.
- 27717 is the lesser of a pair of adjacent composite numbers such that both are only one step away from their home primes. Here:
- 27717=3×9239→39239
- 27718=2×13859→213859
- 27717 is a number such that n + POD(n) and n - POD(n) are both prime (where POD stands for Product Of Digits). Here we have POD = 686:
- 27717+686=28403 which is a prime number
- 27717−686=27031 which is a prime number
- 27717 is an interprime number because it is at equal distance from the previous prime (27701) and the next prime (27733).
- 27717 is a number whose sum of divisors has prime factors (ignoring multiplicity) that multiply to the factorial 2310 where
Here 27717 has a sum of divisors 36960 and
but also forms a consecutive pair with 27718 because its sum of the divisors is 41580 and
See blog post Primorials and the Sigma Function. - 27717 is the TENTH member of an interesting number chain (which is base independent):
- 27708=12×2309
- 27709=11×2519
- 27710=10×2771
- 27711=9×3079
- 27712=8×3464
- 27713=7×3959
- 27714=6×4619
- 27715=5×5543
- 27716=4×6929
- 27717=3×9239
- 27718=2×13859
See blog post Count Down Number Chains
- 27717 is a cyclic number.
- 27717 is a xenodrome in base 9 : 42016. See blog post Xenodromes.
- 27717 is a number that does not reach a palindrome after 2001 cycles of the reverse and add algorithm.
- 27717 is a D-number meaning it is a number n>3 such that n divides kn−2−k for all 1<k<n relatively prime to n.
- 27717 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows: 2−77=17
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