The number associated with my diurnal age today is 27578 and it is a squarefree semiprime with an interesting property. Let's consider its two factors and subtract the smaller from the larger factor and apply the same rule to the difference. Keep repeating this process until the difference is not a squarefree semiprime. The result is as follows:27578=2×1378913789−2=1378713787=17×811811−17=794794=2×397397−2=395395=5×7979−5=7474=2×3737−2=3535=5×7
A296812 Take a squarefree semiprime and take the difference of its prime factors. If it is a squarefree semiprime repeat the process. Sequence lists the squarefree semiprimes that generate other squarefree semiprimes only in the first k steps of this process. Case k≥5.
The initial members of this sequence, up to 40000, are (permalink):
4786, 5991, 6218, 8351, 9995, 13391, 14367, 15434, 16658, 16706, 18663, 19466, 27578, 28738, 33551, 34082, 34187, 37727, 38823
The numbers marked in red correspond to the case where k≥6, although these numbers are not listed in the OEIS. Take 33551 as an example:33551=7×47934793−7=47864786=2×23932393−2=23912391=3×797797−3=794794=2×397397−2=395395=5×7979−5=7474=2×3737−2=3535=5×7
A similar process involving addition of the prime factors could be applied this would lead, in the case of k≥5, to this sequence of numbers:
1774, 2566, 2913, 4497, 6382, 6769, 8902, 9286, 10334, 15177, 19357, 28177, 34669, 35913, 37857
Take 1774 as an example where we have:1774=2×887887+2=889889=7×127127+7=134134=2×6767+2=6969=3×2323+3=2626=2×1313+2=1515=3×5
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