Being born on the 3rd April 1949, my date of birth is often represented as 3 - 4 - 49. These numbers when concatenated form the prime number 3449. I was reminded of this number because of the factorisation of the number associated with my diurnal age today, 27592.27592=23×3449=8×3449So today my life can be divided into exactly eight equal parts, each of them 3449 days long which is about 9.44 years. The previous multiple7×3449=24143occurred on May 10th 2015 when I was still working at the Shanghai Singapore International School. The next multiple9×3449=31041 will fall on March 29th 2034, shortly before my 84th birthday (if I make it that far).
3449 forms the initial prime of a Cunningham chain of the first type with length exactly 3 and so: 3449→2×3449+1=6889 (prime)6889→2×6889+1=13799 (prime)Primes with this property form OEIS A059762. Another prime-related property of 3449 qualifies it for membership in OEIS A088483:
A088483: primes p such that p2+p−1 and p2+p+1 are twin primes.
For 3449, the twin primes are 11899049 and 11899051.
3449 is also a home prime with a homeliness of 3 because:611=13×47→13471347=3×449→3449Not all primes are home primes of course. Take 613 as an example of a prime that is not a home prime because it cannot be formed by the concatenation of the prime factors of any number (the prime factors need to be concatenated in ascending order).
3449 is also a member of OEIS A153116:
A153116: primes p such that p2+12 and p2−12 are also primes.
Here the two primes are 11895589 and 11895613. Additionally:period of13449=3449−18=431This property qualifies 3449 for membership of OEIS A056213:
3449 is a Sophie Germain prime because:2×3449+1=6899 is prime3449 also features in so-called "Golden Semiprimes" and this qualifies it for membership in OEIS A108544:
- p×q where p and q are prime
- |pϕ−q|<1 where ϕ=√5+12
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