Monday, 21 May 2018

Prime Pride

I was born in 1949, a prime year ending in 49 and the only such year in the thousand year period from 1549 to 2549, both of which mark prime years. Here is a list of prime years ending in 49 over the centuries:
149 349 449 1049 1249 1549 1949 2549 2749 3049 3449 4049 4349 4549 4649 5449 5749 5849 6449 6949 7349 7549 7649 7949 8849 9049 9349 9649 9749 9949
Of the 100 possible candidates that end in 49 over the above ten thousand year period, 30 of them are prime. As a percentage, this is 30%.

In my case, I was born on April 3rd 1949 and concatenating the digits 4, 3 and 49 (as was commonly done during the second half of the twentieth century) produces 4349 which is also prime. If the date is written as 3rd April 1949, then concatenation of the digits 3, 4 and 1949 produces 3449 which is again prime. Composite numbers arise from concatenating 3 and 4 or 4 and 3 with 1949.

Furthermore, I was born at a prime hour: 7 o'clock in the morning and this number remains the same with either a 12 or 24 hour clock. At that time, the Sun was in the 13th degree of Aries (12º47'13" to be precise) and thus in a prime degree. The zodiac is divided into 360 parts, measured from the First Point of Aries. The first degree begins at this point and the 360th degree ends at this same point.

In addition, my birth name (xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx) consists of 17 letters. I changed my first name later in life but even so my new name still contained four letters and so the total was still 17.

I'm cherry-picking I guess because there have been plenty of composite numbers in my life. I lived for the first two years of my life at my grandparents' house numbered 69 and another twenty years or more at my parents' house numbered 21. Nevertheless, it's interesting to discover the prime numbers associated with my name and time/date of birth.

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