Friday, 4 May 2018

Polygonal Number Generating Function and Formula

Today my diurnal age is 25233, a number that happens to be a polygonal number, specifically a 32-gonal number. A WolframAlpha article states that the generating function for the n-gonal numbers is given by: Gn(x)=x[(n3)x+1](1x)3
This means that for the 32-gonal numbers, the formula becomes: G32(x)=x(33x+1)(1x)3
In WolframAlpha, the coefficients can then be identified using the series command:

In Sage, the Taylor series is generated using the code:
When run, this code produces the following output:

In the case of the 36-gonal numbers, the formula for the n-th term is given by:a(n)=n(17n16)
The general formula for the n-th polygonal number is given by:a(n)=(P2)n(n+1)2(P3)n
where P is the number of vertices of the polygon.

In the case of P=36 (our 36-gon), the formula becomes:34n(n+1)233n=n(17n16)
Here's a video describing how the formula is derived:

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