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Saturday, 11 January 2025

Vampire Numbers

There is more than one type of vampire number but the first type that I'll deal with in this post belongs to OEIS A014575:

Vampire numbers (definition 2): numbers n with an even number of digits which have a factorization n=i×j where i and j have the same number of digits and the multiset of the digits of n coincides with the multiset of the digits of i and j.

Examples are 1260=21×60 and 939658=953×986. The two relevant divisors of a vampire number are called its fangs and the numbers we are dealing with here have two fangs.

Up to one million, the vampire numbers are (permalink):

1260, 1395, 1435, 1530, 1827, 2187, 6880, 102510, 104260, 105210, 105264, 105750, 108135, 110758, 115672, 116725, 117067, 118440, 120600, 123354, 124483, 125248, 125433, 125460, 125460, 125500, 126027, 126846, 129640, 129775, 131242, 132430, 133245, 134725, 135828, 135837, 136525, 136948, 140350, 145314, 146137, 146952, 150300, 152608, 152685, 153436, 156240, 156289, 156915, 162976, 163944, 172822, 173250, 174370, 175329, 180225, 180297, 182250, 182650, 186624, 190260, 192150, 193257, 193945, 197725, 201852, 205785, 211896, 213466, 215860, 216733, 217638, 218488, 226498, 226872, 229648, 233896, 241564, 245182, 251896, 253750, 254740, 260338, 262984, 263074, 284598, 284760, 286416, 296320, 304717, 312475, 312975, 315594, 315900, 319059, 319536, 326452, 329346, 329656, 336550, 336960, 338296, 341653, 346968, 361989, 362992, 365638, 368550, 369189, 371893, 378400, 378418, 378450, 384912, 386415, 392566, 404968, 414895, 416650, 416988, 428980, 429664, 447916, 456840, 457600, 458640, 475380, 486720, 489159, 489955, 498550, 516879, 529672, 536539, 538650, 559188, 567648, 568750, 629680, 638950, 673920, 679500, 729688, 736695, 738468, 769792, 789250, 789525, 792585, 794088, 809919, 809964, 815958, 829696, 841995, 939658

As can be seen, 1260 is the first four digit vampire number and 6880=80×86 is the last. The first six digit number is 102510=201×510 and the last is 939658Of the 156 numbers listed above, it can be seen that 125460 appears twice and this is because it has two representations viz. 204×615 and 246×510. 

13078260 is an example of a vampire number that has three representations:13078260=1620×8073=1863×7020=2070×6318
Wolfram Mathworld has examples of numbers that can be represented in four and five different ways.

Another type of vampire number is listed in OEIS A020342:

A020342Vampire numbers: (definition 1): n has a nontrivial factorization using n's digits. Nontrivial means that there must be at least two factors.

An example is 126=6×21 and 39784=8×4973. The initial members of this sequence are up to 40000 (permalink):

126, 153, 688, 1206, 1255, 1260, 1260, 1395, 1435, 1503, 1530, 1530, 1827, 2187, 3159, 3784, 6880, 6880, 10251, 10255, 10426, 10521, 10525, 10575, 11259, 11844, 11848, 12006, 12060, 12060, 12384, 12505, 12546, 12550, 12550, 12595, 12600, 12600, 12600, 12762, 12843, 12955, 12964, 13243, 13545, 13950, 13950, 14035, 14350, 14350, 15003, 15030, 15030, 15246, 15300, 15300, 15300, 15435, 15624, 15795, 16272, 17325, 17428, 17437, 17482, 18225, 18265, 18270, 18270, 19026, 19215, 21375, 21586, 21753, 21870, 21870, 25105, 25375, 25474, 25510, 28476, 29632, 31509, 31590, 31590, 33655, 33696, 36855, 37840, 37840, 37845, 39784

There are 712 numbers in the range up to one million, with some repeated numbers of course. All of the members of OEIS A014575 are in this sequence but the conditions (that the number must have an even number of digits and have its two divisors of equal length and not both ending in zero) have been relaxed. Consequently, any number n in the sequence will also have n×10 in the sequence.

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