Friday 31 May 2024

Taneja's Number Theory Papers

Inder J. Taneja
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Ph.D. from Delhi University, India

In my previous post titled Fibonacci Sequence and Selfie Numbers, I referenced a paper by Inder J. Taneja with the same title. I mentioned too that he has published many interesting Number Theory related papers and in this post I aim to summarise some of them and provide links to them. Looking back at my previous posts I discovered that I had made reference to two of Taneja's papers in a post titled Selfie Numbers (March 2020). Let's begin.

Natural numbers from 0 to 11111 are written in terms of 1 to 9 in two different ways. The first one in increasing order of 1 to 9, and the second one in decreasing order. This is done by using the operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, potentiation and division. In both the situations there are no missing numbers, except one (10958) in the increasing case.

In this work, the numbers have been written in terms of increasing and decreasing orders of the digits in a consecutive way. To write these numbers, the operations used are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, potentiation, division, factorial and square-root. We named these numbers as selfie numbers, because of the fact that they have same digits on both sides of the expressions.

In this work, we established symmetric representation of numbers where one can use any of 9 digits giving the same number. The representations of natural numbers from 0 to 1000 are given using only single digit in all the nine cases, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is done only using basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, potentiation and division.

In this work, we established symmetric representation of numbers where one can use any of 9 digits giving the same number. The representations of natural numbers from 0 to 1000 are given using only single digit in all the nine cases, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is done only using basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, potentiation, division.

In this work, the numbers have been written in order of digits and their reverse, generally famous as ”pretty wild narcissistic numbers”. To write these numbers, the operations used are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, potentiation, division, factorial, square-root. For simplicity, these representations are named as selfie numbers. These representations have same digits on both sides of the expressions with the properties that, they are either in order of digits or in reverse order. The work is separated in different types, such as, Palindromic, Symmetrical consecutive, Sequential selfies, etc.

This is first work of its kind. It brings representations of natural numbers from 0 to 3000 in terms of single letter a. For any value of letter a from 1 to 9, the result is always same. Four basic operations, i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are used to bring these representations. A separate section is dedicated to numbers with potentiation. Palindromic symmetries and number patterns in terms of letter a are also studied

This work brings representations of palindromic and number patterns in terms of single letter ”a”. Some examples of prime number patterns are also considered. Different classifications of palindromic patterns are considered, such as, palindromic decompositions, double symmetric patterns, number pattern decompositions, etc. Numbers patterns with power are also studied. Study towards Fibonacci sequence and its extensions is also made.

This work brings representations of palindromic and number patterns in terms of single letter ”a”. Some examples of prime number patterns are also considered. Different classifications of palindromic patterns are considered, such as, palindromic decompositions, double symmetric patterns, number pattern decompositions, etc. Numbers patterns with power are also studied.

In previous works, the construction of Selfie numbers is done in different forms, such as in order of digits, in reverse order of digits, in increasing and decreasing orders of digits. This has been done using factorial and square-root with basic operations. In this paper, we worked with Selfie numbers having all the four ways of representations at the same time. These numbers are called ”unified Selfie numbers”.

The idea of this work is to bring patterns in Selfie numbers. This we have done in two different ways. One is in order of digits and second is in decreasing order. The is limited only up to six  digits. Up to five digits, we worked with square-root and factorial. For six digits the work is only for square-root.

In previous works, the construction of Selfie numbers is done in different forms, such as in order of digits, in reverse order of digits, in increasing and decreasing orders of digits. This has been done using factorial and square-root with basic operations. This work is improvement over the above works specially in case of increasing and decreasing order of digits. Symmetrical consecutive and unified Selfie numbers are also presented.

In previous works, the construction of Selfie numbers is done in different forms, such as in order of digits, in reverse order of digits, in increasing and decreasing orders of digits. This has been done using factorial and square-root with basic operations. In this work we have obtained Selfie numbers having six digits with repetitions without use of factorial. Symmetrical consecutive and unified Selfie numbers are also presented.

In previous works, the construction of Selfie numbers is done in different forms, such as in order of digits, in reverse order of digits, in increasing and decreasing orders of digits. This has been done using factorial and square-root with basic operations. This work is restricted up to five digits only with factorial and without use of square-root. Studies including square-root can be seen in author’s work.

This paper works with representations of numbers with same digits on both sides of the expressions. The representations are made with the power of same digits as of numbers using only addition and subtraction signs. This is done only for eight and nine different digits. 

This paper works with representations of natural numbers from 0 to 11111 written in terms of expressions with additions, subtractions and exponents. Digits used are from 1 to 9 in such a way that for each number, there are same digits in bases and exponents with different permutations. Some numbers can be written in more than one way, but we have chosen with less possible expressions. 

This paper works with extensions of narcissistic numbers in different situations. Extensions are made for positive and negative coefficients, fixed and flexible powers. The idea is extended for narcissistic numbers with division. Here also different situations are considered, such as, positive and negative coefficients, fixed and flexible powers. Comparison with previous known numbers are also given. 

Narcissistic numbers are famous in literature. There are very few narcissistic numbers with division. In this work we brought some narcissistic number with division in terms of floor function.

This work brings representations of natural numbers in two different ways. In both the representations same digits are used always ending in 0 such as, 210, 3210, etc.. 

This paper works with representations of numbers in such a way that we have same digits on both sides of the expressions. One side is just number and other side formed by bases and exponents with same digits as of numbers. The expressions are joined by the operations of addition and/or subtraction. These numbers are called ”flexible power selfie numbers”. In this paper, we worked up to width 7, where up to width 6 there are repetition in digits. From width 7 onwards, results are without any repetition. 8 and 9 width numbers are done in subsequent papers.

This paper works with representations of numbers in such a way that we have same digits on both sides of the expressions. One side is just number and other side formed by bases and exponents with same digits as of numbers. The expressions are joined by the operations of addition and/or subtraction. These numbers are called ”flexible power selfie numbers”. In this paper, we worked with width 8 numbers.

This paper works with representations of numbers in such a way that we have same digits on both sides of the expressions. One side is just number and other side formed by bases and exponents with same digits as of numbers. The expressions are joined by the operations of addition and/or subtraction. These numbers are called ”flexible power selfie numbers”. In this paper, we worked with width 9 numbers. 

This work brings representations of natural numbers from 0 to 2016 in two different ways. In both the representations, the same digits from 7 to 0 are used in decreasing order. 

This work brings representations of natural numbers in two different ways. In both the representations same digits are used always ending in 0 such as, 210, 3210, etc.. 

A addable fraction is a proper fraction where addition signs can be inserted into numerator and denominator, and the resulting fraction is equal to the original. This work brings addable fractions in different situations. One for multiple choices, and second for single representations. In each fraction, the numerator less than denominator, and there is no repetition of digits. 

A dottable fraction is a proper fraction where multiplication signs can be inserted into numerator and denominator, and the resulting fraction is equal to the original. The same happens with potentiation. In this case we call it potentiable fraction. This work brings dottable fractions and dottable fractions with potentiation in different situations without repetition of digits. The work is limited up to six digits in the denominator. 

A addable fraction is a proper fraction where addition signs can be inserted into numerator and denominator, and the resulting fraction is equal to the original. The same is true for dottable fractions, i.e., instead of additions we have multiplication. In this work we have written fractions having both the operations, i.e., addition and multiplication. The work is for different digits, i.e., there is no repetition of digits in the same fraction. Also, the numerator is less than denominator. 

A addable fraction is a proper fraction where addition signs can be inserted into numerator and denominator, and the resulting fraction is equal to the original. The same is true for subtractable fractions, i.e., instead of additions we have substraction. In this work we have written symmetric equivalent fractions having both the operations, i.e., one side is addition and another side is subtraction written in symmetric way. The work is for different digits, i.e., there is no repetition of digits in the same fraction. Also, the numerator less than denominator. 

A addable fraction is a proper fraction where addition signs can be inserted into numerator and denominator, and the resulting fraction is equal to the original. The same is true for dottable fractions, i.e., instead of additions we have multiplication. In this work, we have written equivalent selfie fractions having both the operations, i.e., addition and multiplication together. The work is for different digits, i.e., there is no repetition of digits in the same fraction. Also, the numerator is less than denominator. For the case of pandigital selfie fractions, only few are considered, where each representation is more than 17 times. 

This work brings representations of natural numbers from 0 to 2016 in two different ways. In both the representations the digits used are 8 to 0 in decreasing order.

This work brings representations of natural numbers from 0 to 2016 in two different ways. In both the representations the digits used are 9 to 0 in decreasing order. 

This work brings natural numbers from 0 to 1000 with representations given in decreasing order in different forms written in pyramidical way 

This work brings natural numbers from 0 to 11111 written in terms of 0 to 9 in symmetrical way, with powers as permutations of same digits 0 to 9. 

This work brings representations of natural numbers in three different ways. One is based on power of same digits used in bases with permutations. The other two are based on increasing and decreasing orders of digits by use of basic operations along with square-root and factorial. Number of digits in each representation are understood as width. This work is up to 6 digits or width 6. 

Taneja has 315 publications listed on his ResearchGate site. I'll probably create some posts based on his papers in the near future.

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