Friday, 12 May 2023

Prime Emirp Pair Averages

An emirp is a prime that remains prime when its digits are reversed. The prime and its reversal must be different and so this excludes palindromic primes like 101. The smallest emirp is 13 that, when reversed, gives 31 which is also prime.  By "Prime Emirp Pair Averages", I mean primes that are the average of an emirp pair. The first such prime is 11311, a palindromic prime, and it is the average of the emirp pair 10321 and 12301. Thus11311=10321+123012

These sorts of primes form OEIS A178581:


Primes that are the average of the members of emirp pairs.            

The initial members are:

11311, 12721, 13831, 14741, 16061, 16561, 17471, 18481, 20507, 21107, 21407, 21617, 21817, 22727, 23027, 23227, 23327, 23537, 24137, 24547, 24847, 25147, 25247, 25447, 25657, 26357, 27067, 27367, 28277, 34543, 34843, 35153, 35353

Some of these primes are the average of more than one emirp pair. The first such prime is 14741, another palindromic prime, and it is the average of two emirp pairs: the first pair being 10781 and 18701 and the second being 13751 and 15731. 14741=10781+187012=13751+157312
The first such prime that is the average of three emirp pairs is 24547. It is the average of (11083, 38011), (12073, 37021) and (18013, 31081). Thus24547=11083+380112=12073+370212=18013+310812
The first such prime that is the average of four emirp pairs is 25447. It is average of (10993, 39901), (13963, 36931), (17923, 32971) and (18913, 31981). Thus 25447=10993+399012=13963+369312=17923+329712=18913+319812
These primes form OEIS A178587 (permalink):


Primes that are the average of the members of more than one emirp pair.   

The initial members are:

14741, 22727, 23327, 24547, 25447, 27067, 28277, 42929, 63541, 65761, 85453, 1217171, 1221221, 1227271, 1243421, 1245421, 1246471, 1250521, 1253521, 1257521, 1261571, 1271671, 1283771, 1327231, 1335331, 1338331, 1339381 

What's noteworthy with this sequence is the gap between 85453 and the next prime, 1217171. That's quite a gap. I was alerted to these sorts of primes because the number associated with my diurnal age, 27067, is a member of OEIS A178587as well as OEIS A178581 of course. For want of a better name, a prime of this sort might be called a PEPA prime with the acronym standing for Prime Emirp Pair Average.

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