Tuesday 20 September 2022

Yarborough and Anti-Yarborough Primes

I'd not previously heard of a class of primes known as Yarborough primes. My attention was drawn to this class by the fact that 26833, my diurnal age today, is a member of OEIS A296187:


Yarborough primes that remain Yarborough primes when each of their digits are replaced by their squares.

A Yarborough prime is simply a prime that doesn't contain a zero or a one and clearly 26833 qualifies in that regard. These primes form OEIS A106116:


Primes with smallest digit > 1.                                        

If we square each of its digits we get 4366499 which is a Yarborough prime. The initial members of the sequence are:

73, 223, 233, 283, 337, 383, 523, 733, 773, 823, 2333, 2683, 2833, 2857, 3323, 3583, 3673, 3733, 3853, 5333, 6673, 6737, 6883, 7333, 7673, 7727, 7877, 8233, 8563, 8623, 22277, 22283, 22727, 23333, 23833, 25237, 25253, 25633, 26227, 26833, 27583, 27827, 27883, 32257

Here is a permalink to a SageMath algorithm that will generate the above sequence. If we can consider squares of digits then why not cubes? This leads to OEIS A296563:


Yarborough primes that remain Yarborough primes when each of their digits are replaced by their cubes.

The initial members of the sequence are as follows (permalink):

23, 43, 73, 229, 233, 277, 449, 773, 937, 947, 2239, 2243, 2297, 2377, 2777, 3299, 3449, 3727, 3943, 4243, 4423, 4493, 7393, 7723, 7927, 7949, 9227, 9743, 9749, 22277, 22727, 22777, 22943, 23327, 23399, 23497, 23747, 24473, 24733, 27239, 27277, 27427, 27799, 29347, 29443, 29723

There aren't any fourth power Yarborough primes in the range up to one million but there are some fifth power primes in the range up to one million:

683, 2383, 2633, 2663, 6863, 26263, 32833, 36263, 36383, 62233, 63823, 63863, 68633, 68683, 88223, 222883, 232663, 266663, 338383, 386263, 622663, 623683, 632323, 633623, 633883, 663283, 683863, 822223, 828833, 836663, 863833, 866683

The following link mentions the concept of an anti-Yarborough prime and defines it as a prime that contains only zeros and ones e.g. 11 (the first such prime) and 101 (the second such prime). These primes form OEIS A020449:


Primes whose greatest digit is 1.                             

The initial members are:

11, 101, 10111, 101111, 1011001, 1100101, 10010101, 10011101, 10100011, 10101101, 10110011, 10111001, 11000111, 11100101, 11110111, 11111101, 100100111, 100111001, 101001001, 101001011, 101100011, 101101111, 101111011, 101111111

I guess the name "Yarborough" derives from bridge where it means "a hand in bridge or whist containing no ace and no card higher than a nine" and is thus useless. The Ace can be assigned the digit 1 and so such a hand would only contain the digits 2 to 9. The name reminds me of a novel that I read in the late sixties called "Yarborough".

Here is an interesting article I found about the book and its author B. H. Friedman.

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