My diurnal age today is 26793 days and one of the properties of this number is that it's a member of OEIS A118886:
A118886 | Numbers expressible as , , in 2 or more ways. |
So in the case of 26793, this means that there are at least two values for such that . It turns out that there are exactly two such values and they are (9, 159) and (93, 96). It's easy to forget that the equation is that of an ellipse that is skewed with respect to the and axes. In other words, it's not your more usual because the term skews it.
Figure 1 shows the graph along with the two points that have positive integer values: A = (9, 159) and B = (93, 96).
These sorts of ellipses have axes of symmetry of and and are the intercepts on the and axes. In the graph shown in Figure 1, the intercepts are .
Of course, there are other points on the graph that have integer values but some of these are negative and so are not included in OEIS A118886, Without the condition that \( x \leq y), other points will arise as well. These full range of eight points is shown in Figure 2 and the graph with points added in Figure 3.
Now up to 27000, there are 2043 numbers that qualify for membership in OEIS A118886 and that represents about 7.6%. However, there are only 69 numbers that are square numbers as well meaning that the intercepts of the and axes have integer values. These values are:
49, 169, 196, 361, 441, 676, 784, 961, 1225, 1369, 1444, 1521, 1764, 1849, 2401, 2704, 3136, 3249, 3721, 3844, 3969, 4225, 4489, 4900, 5329, 5476, 5776, 5929, 6084, 6241, 7056, 7396, 8281, 8649, 9025, 9409, 9604, 10609, 10816, 11025, 11881, 12321, 12544, 12996, 13689, 14161, 14884, 15376, 15876, 16129, 16641, 16900, 17689, 17956, 19321, 19600, 20449, 21316, 21609, 21904, 22801, 23104, 23716, 24025, 24336, 24649, 24964, 25921, 26569
Take 26569 as an example (see permalink). We have and the two that satisfy OEIS A118886 are (0,163) and (75, 112). The full range of ten points are:
(-163, 0), (-163, 163), (-112, -75), (-75, -112), (0, -163), (0, 163), (75, 112), (112, 75), (163, -163) (163, 0)
With these skewed ellipses, if the in is a square number, then there are always another two integer-valued points, and , compared to non-square numbers.
Up to 27000, the maximum number of points that satisfy is six. The numbers are 12103, 19747, 22477 and 23569. Using 12103 as an example, the points are (2, 109), (21, 98), (27, 94), (34, 89), (49, 77) and (61, 66). Even extending the range to 100,000, there are no numbers that yield seven points which is not surprising considering the symmetry of the graph.
There are however, four numbers that yield eight points and these are 53599, 63973, 74347 and 84721. Using, 53599 as an example the eight points are (3, 230), (25, 218), (43, 207), (58, 197), (85, 177), (90, 173), (102, 163) and (122, 145).
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