Having spent years monitoring and commenting on the numbers associated with my diurnal age, it occurred to me that I should consider also the number of days that have elapsed since the start of the year. I stumbled across a site called EpochConverter that displays the date and the number of days elapsed since the start of the year and the number of days remaining till its end. See Figure 1.
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Figure 1 |
Today is Hiroshima Day. It was 76 years ago today that the atomic bomb was dropped on that defenceless city. As Figure 1 shows today is day number 218 and there are 147 days remaining in the year. I'm currently reading a book titled "Letters and Numbers Book" by Zachary K. Hubbard. The looks at various systems of Gematria in which numbers are assigned to the letters of the English alphabet as well as other alphabets.
One such system is the English Extended Gematria. This cipher is a direct tribute to Hebrew Traditional and Greek Traditional and bears much fruit. The chart for English Extended Gematria is shown in Figure 2:
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Figure 2: source |
Figure 2 shows the numbers associated with the letters of the Greek alphabet. There are three letters that fell out of usage in Greek (marked with an asterisk*), although they appeared as part of the ancient Greek alphabet. Although these were not used on normal Greek words, these ancient characters continued to be used for the purpose of counting and listing numbers.
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Figure 3: source |
Looking at Figures 3 and 4, the similarity with the English Extended Gematria of Figure 1 is obvious. In this system, death converts to 218. See Figure 5.
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Figure 5: source |
The two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were targeted because of their proximity to the 33rd degree of north latitude. I wrote about this is a post to my Alternative Media blog titled Number 33, Truman and the Bomb on November 5th 2020. The number 33 explains the reason for the location while the association of day 218 of the year with death may have been the inducement for the timing. The psychopaths who rule the world certainly take their numbers seriously and so should we.
Meanwhile, let's not forget Nagasaki that was bombed on August 9th (1945), the 221st day of the year. In Hubbard's book, the number 221 in mentioned repeatedly in the context of The Bavarian Illuminati using the English Ordinal System. See Figure 6:
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Figure 6: source |
I won't go into the details of the Bavarian Illuminati in this post but much has been written about this group and its influence. The English Ordinal Gematria is shown in Figure 7:
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Figure 7: source |
As well as the English Extended and English Ordinal Gematria, there are several other systems described in the book that I'm reading. It's arguable that any word or phrase could be matched to just about any number by choosing a suitable system and there is some truth to that. Nonetheless, our psychopathic rulers make use of these systems and choose their assassinations, false flags and other dramatic events based on names, numbers and dates. It behoves us to be aware of their fascination with numbers and their need to have others notice their "cleverness". They like to show off.
One thing to remember is that in English Extended, English Ordinal and Full Reduction Gematria, the digital root is exactly the same. I'll illustrate this with the phrase "atomic bomb" in Figure 8.
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Figure 8: source |
The English Extended value is 417, English Ordinal is 93 and Full Reduction is 39. The digits of all three numbers total 12 and thus have a common digital root of 3. In the first two methods we are only 10's or powers of 10 to digits and this doesn't affect the digital root.
The relatively larger values associated with the English Extended numbers are useful when linking to dates. For example, 417 could be connected with 4/17 in the United States date labelling system, corresponding to April 17th. Single words are often not larger than 366 and so can be associated with a particular day of the year (and thus indirectly to a date). For example, Hiroshima has an English Extended value of 325, corresponding to November 21st in a non-leap year.
Because of the greater spread of values that arise in English Extended, it's less useful for connecting words via a common value. That's were Full Reduction and English Ordinal are of more use. For example, judge and gavel have a Full Reduction value of 20 and an English Ordinal value of 47.
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