Monday 21 June 2021

Aliquot Sequences Revisited

I only have one post dealing with Aliquot Sequences and that eponymous post appeared on December 20th 2017 with an update on July 17th 2020. Let's recall that an aliquot sequence is:

A sequence of positive integers in which each term is the sum of the proper divisors of the previous term. If the sequence reaches the number 1, it ends, since the sum of the proper divisors of 1 is 0.

On December 20th 2017, I turned 25908 days old and this number is a member of OEIS A008888:


Aliquot sequence starting at 138.                              

The reason for my update on July 17th 2020 is that on that day I turned 26038 days old and this number is also a member of OEIS A008888 but it appears near the end of the sequence instead of at the beginning like 25908. Here is the full sequence with the two numbers marked in bold:
138, 150, 222, 234, 312, 528, 960, 2088, 3762, 5598, 6570, 10746, 13254, 13830, 19434, 20886, 21606, 25098, 26742, 26754, 40446, 63234, 77406, 110754, 171486, 253458, 295740, 647748, 1077612, 1467588, 1956812, 2109796, 1889486, 953914, 668966, 353578, 176792, 254128, 308832, 502104, 753216, 1240176, 2422288, 2697920, 3727264, 3655076, 2760844, 2100740, 2310856, 2455544, 3212776, 3751064, 3282196, 2723020, 3035684, 2299240, 2988440, 5297320, 8325080, 11222920, 15359480, 19199440, 28875608, 25266172, 19406148, 26552604, 40541052, 54202884, 72270540, 147793668, 228408732, 348957876, 508132204, 404465636, 303708376, 290504024, 312058216, 294959384, 290622016, 286081174, 151737434, 75868720, 108199856, 101437396, 76247552, 76099654, 42387146, 21679318, 12752594, 7278382, 3660794, 1855066, 927536, 932464, 1013592, 1546008, 2425752, 5084088, 8436192, 13709064, 20563656, 33082104, 57142536, 99483384, 245978376, 487384824, 745600776, 1118401224, 1677601896, 2538372504, 4119772776, 8030724504, 14097017496, 21148436904, 40381357656, 60572036544, 100039354704, 179931895322, 94685963278, 51399021218, 28358080762, 18046051430, 17396081338, 8698040672, 8426226964, 6319670230, 5422685354, 3217383766, 1739126474, 996366646, 636221402, 318217798, 195756362, 101900794, 54202694, 49799866, 24930374, 17971642, 11130830, 8904682, 4913018, 3126502, 1574810, 1473382, 736694, 541162, 312470, 249994, 127286, 69898, 34952, 34708, 26038, 13994, 7000, 11720, 14740, 19532, 16588, 18692, 14026, 7016, 6154, 3674, 2374, 1190, 1402, 704, 820, 944, 916, 694, 350, 394, 200, 265, 59, 1, 0

Today is different however, because 26376 (my diurnal age on the date of this post) is not a member of a terminating aliquot sequence like OEIS A008888 but instead it is a member of an aliquot sequence for which it has not yet been determined whether there is an end or an eventual repetition. The sequence is OEIS A014361:


Aliquot sequence starting at 564.                            

The initial members of this sequence are 564, 780, 1572, 2124, 3336, 5064, 7656, 13944 and 26376. Numbers like 564 form their own sequence and that is OEIS A131884:


Numbers conjectured to have an infinite, aperiodic, aliquot sequence.        

The initial members of this sequence are:
276, 306, 396, 552, 564, 660, 696, 780, 828, 888, 966, 996, 1074, 1086, 1098, 1104, 1134, 1218, 1302, 1314, 1320, 1338, 1350, 1356, 1392, 1398, 1410, 1464, 1476, 1488, 1512, 1560, 1572, 1578, 1590, 1632, 1650, 1662, 1674, 1722, 1734, 1758, 1770, 1806, 1836

So I thought that today's number with its membership of a rather exclusive club was worth a mention.

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