Thursday, 8 October 2020

Forming Equations from Integers

Read on!

Once upon a time, before I started this exclusively mathematical blog in 2015, I used to post occasional mathematical content to my Pedagogical Posturing blog at I was looking back at some of these posts and noticed this one, from Saturday, 24 August 2013, titled Forming Equations from Integer Sequences. It's only short so I'll quote it in full:

Recently I've been using Twitter to create a daily tweet that records my "day count" (number of days I've been alive) plus its factors (if not prime) and some interesting facts about the number itself or one of its factors. Sometimes there's little to say about the number and in such cases I've found that I can usually form an equation by inserting mathematical operators between one or more of the digits. 

For example, yesterday the count was 23518 and 235=18. Today the count is 23519 and 2+3+51=9. I was wondering if it's always possible to create an equation from five digits using the standard mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation in combination with brackets). Obviously with just two digits, it's only possible when the digits are repeated e.g. 99 becomes 9=9. With three digits, it's sometimes possible e.g. 819 becomes 8+1=9 but generally it isn't e.g. 219. With four digits, it's more possible e.g. 2119 becomes 2+11=9 but I'm doubtful whether this is always so. There must come a point however, where the number of digits is sufficient to ensure that it's always so. Maybe five digits is that point.

From now on, I'll try each day to form an equation to test out this theory. For example, tomorrow the count is 23520 which becomes 2+35=2×0 and it works for tomorrow but beyond that let's see.

Well, I didn't keep my promise of trying to form an equation each day from the digits making up my diurnal age. I have however, written about selfie numbers in a post of Friday, 27th March 2020 to my Mathematical Meanderings blog site. These are somewhat similar in spirit. In that post, I also mention Friedman numbers that can be described as follows:

Consider 28547=(8+5)4(7×2) expressed in base 10, both sides use the same digits. An integer is a Friedman number if it can be put into an equation such that both sides use the same digits but the right hand side has one or more basic arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation) interspersed. Brackets, as usual, are essential to clarify the order of operations. These numbers are named after Erich Friedman, Assoc. Professor of Mathematics at Stetson University. With the help of his students he has researched Friedman numbers in bases 2 through 10 and even with Roman numerals. When both sides use the digits in the same order, the number is called a ”nice” or ”strong” Friedman number. For example, 3125=(3+[1×2])5.

My approach is similar to this except I'm trying to create an equation from the digits (using them in the same order as they appear in the number). As another example, today I'm 26121 days old and this is an easy one because (2×6)/12=1 if we allow concatenation of digits. If only individual digits are allowed, then (26)=1+2+1 satisfies. It's probably better to use the individual digits as is done with the Friedman numbers. I'll try to include this as part of my daily number analysis. 

Going back a few days, we have:

  • 26120 --> 2=61+2+0
  • 26119 --> 2+6×1=1+9
  • 26118 --> 2+6+1=1+8
  • 26117 --> 2+6=1×1+7
  • 26116 --> 2+6=1+1+6
  • 26115 --> 2+6+1×1=5
  • 26114 --> 2+6=11+4
  • 26113 --> 2+6=1×1+3
  • 26112 --> 2+6=1+1+2
  • 26111 --> 2=61+1+1
  • 26110 --> 2×6×(11)=0
It seems that it's always possible to form an equation using only brackets and the basic arithmetic operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation. Perhaps even the exponentiation is not needed, as the examples above show. Let's see if this assumption holds true for future numbers. This is hardly high level mathematics but it's a simple yet oddly satisfying activity.

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