Wednesday, 24 June 2020

The Omega Constant and the Lambert W Function

I first encountered the Omega constant in the following video by blackpenredpen:

In this video, he looks at the function y=xex1 and finds where the y value is zero. He does this using Newton's Method which relies on the iteration:xn+1=xnf(x)f(x) for any function f(x)
Figure 1 shows the SageMath code and permalink that I used to generate the digits of this constant, beginning with a value of x=0.5 since we know the zero lies somewhere between 0 and 1 because:y=1<0  when x=0 and y=e1>0 when x=1
Figure 1: permalink

As can be seen, the constant works out to be 0.5671432904 ...  and it is this constant that is given the name Omega constant and the symbol Ω. It is a transcendental number and has the property that ΩeΩ=1. Thus Ω is the value of x in xex that makes it equal to 1. Figure 2 shows the graph of y=xex with key points on the graph noted.

Figure 2

The minimum turning point occurs when y=(1+x)ex=0  and this occurs when x=1. The point of inflexion occurs when y=(2+x)ex=0 and this occurs when x=2. Ω is shown with its corresponding y value of 1 noted.

The Lambert W function is simply the inverse function for y=xex and is thus x=yey but needs to be broken into two parts to conform to the requirement that a single x value cannot be associated with more than one y value. It is the same graph as in Figure 2 but reflected about the line y=x. See Figure 3 (source). The Lambert W function is also called the omega function and the product logarithm function.

Figure 3: The graph of
 y = W(x) for real x < 6 and y > −4

The upper branch (blue) with y ≥ −1 is the graph of the function W0 (principal branch).

The lower branch (red) with y ≤ −1 is the graph of the function W−1

The minimum value of x is at {-1/e,-1}

So the solution to the equation xex=2 is W(2) 0.852605502013726 and so on. We can also solve xx=2 becauselog(xx)=xlog(x)=log(2) let u=log(x) and so ueu=log(2)u=W(log(2)) and so log(x)=W(log(2))x=eW(log(2))1.55961046946...
Here are links to blackpenredpen's videos on:
The last mentioned video I'll cover in detail here because the solutions to the two equations are very satisfying. The first equation is x2ex=2 and the second is x+ex=2. Let's solve each in turn:x2ex=2Take the square root of both sidesxex2=±2x must be 1/e (see Figure 3)xex2=2x2ex2=22W(x2ex2)=W(22)x2=W(22)x=2×W(22)0.90120
Figure 4 shows the graphical situation:

Figure 4

Now for the second equation:x+ex=2ex=2xexex=2xex1=(2x)exe2=(2x)e2xW(e2)=W((2x)e2x)W(e2)=2xx=2W(e2)0.44285
Figure 5 shows the graphical situation:

Figure 5

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