Sunday 5 February 2017


If looking at this post on an Android device, the equations will not display properly.
A small but nagging problem has led me deeper into the arcana of LaTeX. The problem was that I wanted the following equation to display on the left and not in the centre:
\[x=\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \]
As I investigated further, frequent mention was made of the amsmath package as an add-on to LaTeX but this turned out to be only one of many additional add-ons. It was recommended that MacTeX be installed as this package contained all available packages rolled into one installation.

And so I found a MacTeX package at and promptly downloaded and installed it. The downloaded package is 2.8 GB and the installation takes up over 5 GB so it's a big affair.

The front-end to MacTex is TeXShop and it allows for full formatting of documents and produces PDF output. However, it does not seem suited for web page design which is my focus at the moment.

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