The news of the discovery of a new, largest known prime broke about a week ago but I've only gotten around to writing about it here. It was of course a Mersenne prime discovered via GIMPS, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.
The number containing 22,338,618 digits is 274,207,281−1 where 74,207,281 itself must be prime of course. It is the 49th known Mersenne prime defined as a prime expressible in the form 2p−1 where p is prime. The first Mersenne primes are 3, 7, 31, and 127 corresponding to p values of 2, 3, 5, and 7 respectively.
Note that p being prime is not sufficient to ensure that 2^p - 1 will be prime. As a counter example take p=11. The resulting number 211−1=2047=23×89 is not prime. Here are links to some more interesting information about Mersenne primes:
on 27th of October 2024
Update: 2136,279,841−1 has 41,024,320 digits and is prime! Read all about the new largest prime number ever found: Stand-up MathsYouTube video.