Tuesday 18 January 2022

Pyramidal Numbers

Today I turned 26588 days old and one of the properties of this number is that it's a 15-gonal or pentadecagonal number and a member of OEIS A177890:


15-gonal (or pentadecagonal) pyramidal numbers:                

a(\(n\)) = \( \dfrac{n (n+1)  (13n-10)}{6}\)

The initial members of the sequence are:
0, 1, 16, 58, 140, 275, 476, 756, 1128, 1605, 2200, 2926, 3796, 4823, 6020, 7400, 8976, 10761, 12768, 15010, 17500, 20251, 23276, 26588, 30200, 34125, 38376, 42966, 47908, 53215, 58900, 64976, 71456, 78353, 85680, 93450, 101676, 110371, 119548, 129220


There is a general formula for \(P(n)\), the \(n\)-th polygonal pyramidal number, that uses \(T(n)\), the \(n\)-th triangular number, and \(s\) representing the number of sides of the polygon. Here it is:$$P(n,s)=T(n) \times \frac{(s-2) \times n - (s-5)}{3}$$In the case of 15-gonal numbers, the formula becomes:$$ \begin{align} P(n)&=T(n) \times \frac{13n - 10}{3}\\&=\frac{n(n+1)(13n-10)}{6} \text{ where }T(n)=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\end{align}$$GENERATING FUNCTION

The generating function for pyramidal numbers is given by:$$G(x,s)=x \, \frac{(s-3)x+1}{(1-x)^4}$$In the case of the pentadecagonal numbers, this results in:$$G(x)=x \, \frac{12x+1}{(1-x)^4}$$PARTICULAR EXAMPLE

Figure 1 shows how a square pyramidal number is constructed:

Figure 1: source

Note that the 3-dimensional pyramidal numbers are constructed from 2-dimensional polygons stacked one on top of the other. In Figure 1, these polygons are squares. The sequence of square pyramidal numbers is given by:$$P_n^{^ {\,4}}=\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$$Figure 2 shows an actual pile of cannonballs forming a square-based pyramid.

Figure 2: source

On the topic of cannonballs, the cannonball problem can be stated as follows:

The cannonball problem asks for the sizes of pyramids of cannonballs that can also be spread out to form a square array, or equivalently, which numbers are both square and square pyramidal. Besides 1, there is only one other number that has this property: 4900, which is both the 70th square number and the 24th square pyramidal number. Source.


The sums of the reciprocals of the pyramidal polygonal numbers all converge. Here are some examples:

  • triangular pyramidal: \( \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{6}{n(n+1)(n+2)}=\dfrac{3}{2} \)
  • square pyramidal: \( \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{6}{n(n+1)(2n+1)}=6(3-4 \log(2)) \)
  • pentagonal pyramidal: \( \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{6}{n^2(n+1)}=\dfrac{\pi^2}{3}-2 \)
More results are listed at this site. There is a rather formidable general formula for the sum of the reciprocals of the pyramidal numbers. I don't claim to understand it but here it is:$$ - \, \frac{6 [ s-5 +(s-2)(\psi ( \frac{3}{s-2} ) +\gamma)]}{(s-5)(2s-7)} $$where \( \psi(x) \) is the digamma function and \( \gamma \) is the  Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Alternating sums of reciprocals are also convergent. An example is the alternating sum of reciprocals of square pyramidal numbers where we have:$$6\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}  \dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n(n+1)(2n+1)}=6(\pi-3)$$

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